“I wanna be a rogue, hidden in the shadows, in support of [...]”
.video essay:
.3V 5/9 Kruschke geodesic dome & components:
.components details:
.interior views & details:
.video essay: 11:34 min, 1080p
.3V 5/9 Kruschke geodesic dome: aluminium, mild steel, threaded rod, digital prints on lycra
5m x 5m x 3.5m
.components: acetal, PP, PLA, threaded rod, aluminium
dimensions variable
“i wanna be a rogue, hidden in the shadows, in support of [...]” is an installation and a video essay exploring the functions and features of infrastructure space. How can this space function as a medium for agency within community? How can its operating protocols be appropriated and mutated in order to imagine and create new, counter hegemonies? Through the use of collaboration methodologies as immaterial infrastructures and modular design as their material counterpart, I attempt to create a case study for their production, operation and implementation.