.Work Information︎

The fantasmatic cylinders are the materialization of a personal sensation trough which time/time-frames become an absurd spatial experience. Resembling a coordinate system in which time is depicted in the length of the object and the diameter fluctuates depending on various experienced states.

—a year
—a week
—a day
—an hour

︎aluminium, steel, digital prints

︎aluminium, marble
75cm x 55cm x 10cm

Through this sensation then, an imaginary timeline manifests as a parallel dimension with a parallel self in it; and its sole purpose seems to be an estimation of elapsed and coming ‘time partitions’.
Where past, present and future coalesce into one unit.
A coordinate system in which the ambiguous future is predefined and some fading structures repeat themselves for the forgotten past.
Experiences sets an average form to what’s coming and any specu-lation approaches more and more to pessimism.
The present is saved then through the future itself and semiology is giving past a bitter taste.

︎aluminium, plastic palm leafs



© 2023 Byron Kalomamas